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Australian Briard History

Aussie Briards
early History

Written by Alex McAlpine 

(Bruinbri Briards) and published with his permission

The Australian association with the Briard began in 1974 when Brian Beveridge (Aacarsha) and his mother Phyl went to England, they were primarily concerned with Afghans and Dalmatians, but they saw some Briards, fell in love with them, and the Australian association with the breed had begun!
       In 1974 four Desamee Briards arrived in Australia. Two were for Brian and Phyl Beveridge, they were the fawn bitch Desamee Nanie Bear (Eng.Ch Vir d'el Pastre of Baldslow (France) / Eng.Ch.Desamee Balu Bear) and a black dog Desamee Danny Bear (Shiel's Thor de la Tour St Genin (France) / Desamee Etoile Bear). The other 2 were for Sue Rodstead (Bendelbah) - Desamee Neptune Bear (litter brother to Nanie Bear) and Desamee Emma Bear (litter sister to Danny Bear). At around the same time a black bitch Silencieuse from Shiel (Sheil's Thor de la Tour St Genin / Souhaite from Shiel) arrived in Australia. Some confusion surrounded "Sally's" importation but fortunately her future wellbeing was assured when she was taken over by the Beveridges, and in fact the first Australian litter born Australia Day Jan 26th 1976 was from Neptune Bear and Sally. Aacarsha Black Gem was the first Champion followed by her sister 'Charity' A Black Empress.
         In 1975 the Beveridges imported a fawn dog Harleyburn Charbon Fauve (Desamee Fabrice Bear/Spontaneite from Shiel) Fabrice was a litter brother to Neptune and Nanie. Around the same time Desamee Etoile Bear (Eng.Ch.Desamee Tripot de Vasouy (France)/Eng Ch Desamee Mitzi Moffat) arrived for Sue Rodstead to take the place of Emma Bear who had been spayed following pyometra. Etoile was in whelp to Beaune of Baldslow (Eng Ch Vir d'el Pastre of Baldslow/ Desamee Juliette Bear of Bryend) and whelped in Sydney quarantine kennels in February 1976 7/2/1976 two weeks after the first Australian litter. Somewhere in the same timeslot Vivienne Oxley (Charboneau) who had been living in England, returned to Australia bringing with her Baldslow Touffe (Vir d'el Pastre of Baldslow / Lullingstone Millicent of Baldlsow). These first few Briards were the basis of Briards in Australia for the next few years.
         In 1979 Alex and Jean McAlpine (Bruinbri) imported a black dog, Baldslow Wain. "Humphrey" was an important addition to the Australian gene pool, although only used a few time at stud his influence was remarkable, all the Specialty Best in Show winners can boast him at least twice in their pedigree. Humphrey's parentage was French, from Saracen of Baldslow/ Ch Baldsow Yettie (a daughter of Beaune). Saracen's mother was the French bitch Veni du Val de Reuil whose mother Tzarine du Val du Reuil was a producer of a great number of top stud dogs. Also in mid 1979 Desamee Helga Bear arrived for the McAlpines. Helga was a granddaughter of Eng.Ch Desamee Bambin Bear, one of the top bitches in England. Bambin Bear's influence on the Australian scene was augmented further when the Beveridges imported Desamee Bradley Bear from her litter to Baldslow Rouseau.
          Briards have also crossed the Tasman both ways a number of dogs being exported to New Zealand and also some from the Angevin Kennels being imported into Australia.
          1980 saw the arrival of 2 fawn Briard puppies litter brother and sister Farouche d'Emile and Farouche d'Esemee from the Farouche kennels in England for Harriet Wilson of Canberra (Kinkoppal). These were interesting and valuable imports for Australia as the sire's ancestry was American and added a further complete outcross to British and Australian breeding.
          In 1985 Cris and Garry Caird (Itzabrie) imported a black bitch puppy Dandibrush Cucairdil. This was to have been an importation of the puppy's mother Dandibrush Itzie, in whelp to Eng Ch Carcer Nuit St George, but problems with export regulations upset these plans. Izti and the rest of that litter stayed in England and Itzi was mated to Desamee Sweeney Bear. She arrived in Australia late in the year in time to produce another Briard litter in Sydney quarantine on Christmas Day.
          In 1986 Margaret and Rachel Thomas (Marashar) and Katrina and Russ Halverson (Verzenay) joined forces to bring out another litter brother and sister from the Chatillon kennels in England. These were the fawn dog Chatillon Earl and the black bitch Chatillon Ellen.
          In 1987 Liz Bennett (Narbrisse) imported a black bitch Miss Chief from Stormfield in whelp to Westwold Claudius of Carcer, two pups were born in Adelaide quarantine station.
           It was not until April 1993 that any new Briards were imported into Australia. The next dog to come in was from the Picador kennels (Rodi and Wera Hubenthal) in Norway - Picador Wiking O'slo
a fawn dog, arrived late April to do his stint in Adelaide quarantine. Oslo is owned by the partnership of Bennett (Narbrisse) Mitchell (Cacharel) and Schneider (Trilby). Oslo introduced completely new bloodlines into Australia. His father, Bradirs Chuck Norris was Top Dog All Breeds in Norway in 1992 and his dam Nouveaute Aperitiff was top Briard bitch for many years. 1993 also saw the arrival of a black bitch from the Bradirs kennels in Norway, Bradirs Fleur de Lis, "Amy's" parentage was full American having the same sire as Oslo and out of an American imported bitch Mes Ami III. 
         Also from Norway, Bradirs Givenchy arrived late 1994 for Liz Bennett, Zac's parentage was part Italian and added further outcrosses to Australian breeders.
          Mid 1995 saw the arrival of the black dog Picador Xtra Peer Gynt at Cacharel, unfortunately Gynt broke his leg as a pup and did not grace the show ring with his presence but he has proved to be a valuable sire, producing the first Briard to win Champion Puppy in Group at a Royal, (Brisbane 1996 - Cacharel Edvard -Schneider). Gynt also sired the first DUAL Champion Briard and so far the only Herding Champion - Dual Ch (H) Cacharel Utzano HSAs HSCs HICs HXCs.
          Late 1996 saw the arrival of Henri de Lacabru, probably the most important dog in his time to arrive in Australia. Henri was the first French Briard into Australia, his bloodlines were impeccable coming from the well known de Lacabru, des Monts d'en Crouzille, and du Clos Des Cedres kennels. His progeny were among the top dogs in Scandinavia, his sire Int.Ch French Ch Fandjo de Lacabru was BOB junior winner at the World Show in Dortmund. One of Henri's sons was World Winner at the 1998 World Show in Finland.
Henri arrived in Australia late 1996 for the partnership of Anne & Carl Mitchell (Cacharel) and Irena Schneider (Trilby), he produced 3 litters before his untimely death. One of his sons, Grand Ch Cacharel Nemo HT was the first black Briard to win an All Breeds Championship Best in Show.
          Late in 1997 Now I'm Grace de Lindeau (Int CH Gilerablairiau del Nebbioso x Am Ch Chapeau Jadora de Lindeau) was imported from America for Marashar Kennels in NSW.  Grace produced two litters for the Marashar Kennels in NSW.
          It was not until February 1999 that the next imports arrived, these were the fawn dog, Bigtree - Cacharel's Own Yankee (Millenium du Val de Saynans x Am Ch Iowa Blonde de la Tour St Genin) from the Bigtree Kennels in the USA. Yank's pedigree boasts two of the all time great fawn producers in France - Int Ch Kaly du Bois d'Howis and Int French Ch Geronimo Fauve de la Chaume du Bois Dieu. Yank has provem to be a very successful sire for the Cacharel Kennels in Qld.
          Two weeks later was the arrival of the black bitch Champagne chez Cacharel de la Maison du Garde-Barierre (Ugo de la Morne Plaine x Austrian Yth Ch BIS LouLou des Cedres de la Montagne Noire) bred by Gerda Freidl in Austria. Champers' maternal grandsire is the well known black stud dog Ch Pursan du Clos des Cedres and her paternal gransire is the blue dog D'artagnan des Monts d'en Crouzille.  Champers was imported by the Cacharel kennels in Qld, but unfortunately turned out to have quite bad hips so was speyed and never bred from.
           Late 1999 saw the arrival of the fawn bitch NORDV98 NV99 N UCH Picador Yippee Vensdaughter (Norway). Yippee was the last daughter of Nor.Ch. SFV86 NORV87 NV8889 SV90 Virage Vendetta of Picador (USA). Her dam was Aust Ch Narbrisse Contrary Mary. Yippee came back to Liz Bennett of Narbrisse Knls in SA.
            The black bitch Tuatara Helen (UK) (Dychix Krugerrand of Peluche x Tuatara April Magic) moved out to Australia with her owner and was then leased by the Bartleys of NSW to produce two litters.
            Easter 2006 saw the arrival of the fawn bitch Beaugency Bessiere (UK) (Sel F Scapin du Vieux Dieu et de l'Alouette (France) x Eng Ch Beaugency Britzska) bred by Jenny Snelling in the UK. Ellie was imported by the Cacharel Knls in Qld and through her sire and her dams sire introduces  completely new French bloodlines to the country.

Cammy Mica and Cachet.JPG

Early Australian Dogs

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